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  1. Understanding International Aspects of Powers of Attorney : City Pacific Lawyers

    Understanding International Aspects of Powers of Attorney

    28 | Jun 2024

    Powers of Attorney (POAs) are essential tools in estate planning, enabling you to appoint an alternate decision maker to manage your affairs if you become unable to do so, due to incapacity. However, when dealing with international assets and cross-border situations, the complexities increase significantly.  This article delves into the international aspects of POAs, providing […]

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  2. Case Study: How a Power of Attorney Can Save You : City Pacific Lawyers

    Case Study: How a Power of Attorney Can Save You

    15 | Jan 2024

    Who will make medical or financial decisions for you if you are incapacitated? Losing capacity is not a topic many of us like to envisage. However, with proper planning you can ease the burden on family members and loved ones by being prepared. The importance of having a designated alternative decision maker is illustrated by […]

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  3. The Importance of Estate Planning Before Capacity Becomes an Issue : City Pacific Lawyers

    The Importance of Estate Planning Before Capacity Becomes an Issue

    7 | Aug 2023

    We should all plan for our future. Certainly, we should all have a current will, especially those of us who need to make special arrangements for the care of children or pets. Many of us would also benefit from making a formal arrangement to account for a time when we could find ourselves unable to […]

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  4. Changes to Powers of Attorney – Victoria : City Pacific Lawyers

    Changes to Powers of Attorney – Victoria

    7 | Mar 2018

    On 1 May 2017 the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic) was amended by the Powers of Attorney Amendment Act 2016 (Vic). The amending Act introduced changes to clarify some operational and other matters associated with the making of a power of attorney. Further changes are forecast with the new Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions […]

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  5. New Powers of Attorney in Victoria What do the changes mean for you? : City Pacific Lawyers

    New Powers of Attorney in Victoria What do the changes mean for you?

    21 | Apr 2016

    The new Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic) commenced on 1 September 2015. Find out below what changes there will be and what this may mean for you, your family or someone you care about.   What is a Power of Attorney? A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows someone to choose […]

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  6. Top 6 Power of Attorney Questions : City Pacific Lawyers

    Top 6 Power of Attorney Questions

    3 | Dec 2015

    A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives a trusted person, the legal authority to act for you, and to make legally binding decisions on your behalf.  If you do not have a Power of Attorney then you should contact us and find out more. Below are 6 top questions dealing with Powers […]

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