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  1. Understanding International Aspects of Powers of Attorney : City Pacific Lawyers

    Understanding International Aspects of Powers of Attorney

    28 | Jun 2024

    Powers of Attorney (POAs) are essential tools in estate planning, enabling you to appoint an alternate decision maker to manage your affairs if you become unable to do so, due to incapacity. However, when dealing with international assets and cross-border situations, the complexities increase significantly.  This article delves into the international aspects of POAs, providing […]

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  2. Commercial Leasing Agreements –  The Ultimate Guide for Business Owners : City Pacific Lawyers

    Commercial Leasing Agreements – The Ultimate Guide for Business Owners

    27 | Jun 2024

    As a business owner, you might need to sign a commercial lease agreement to secure a location for your business activities. Understanding the lease agreements is crucial for any business owner looking to expand or establish a new location, particularly in competitive markets. It’s also important to understand the Retail Leases Act, which provides essential […]

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  3. Navigating Tax Complexities: For Cross Border Estates : City Pacific Lawyers

    Navigating Tax Complexities: For Cross Border Estates

    7 | Jun 2024

    Overview Australia is a multicultural country with around thirty percent of our population born overseas and a further 20% who are first generation Australians (with one or both parents born outside of Australia).  Many migrants to Australia choose to retain assets they have overseas or may later inherit assets from overseas relatives. Because of this […]

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  4. What Makes a Good Partnership or Shareholder Agreement? : City Pacific Lawyers

    What Makes a Good Partnership or Shareholder Agreement?

    24 | May 2024

    Have you ever wondered why some business partnerships thrive while others falter? Often, the difference lies in the foundation set by their partnership or shareholder agreements.  At City Pacific Lawyers, we know that the most successful businesses are backed by agreements that clearly outline each partner’s roles and expectations.  Let’s explore the key elements that […]

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  5. Strategies to Avoid Commercial Contract Disputes : City Pacific Lawyers

    Strategies to Avoid Commercial Contract Disputes

    29 | Apr 2024

    Preventing contract disputes is crucial for maintaining smooth operations, preserving relationships, and conserving business resources. At City Pacific Lawyers, we advocate proactive measures to sidestep potential legal conflicts.  Let’s explore effective strategies to prevent common commercial contract disputes. Clear and Concise Contract Language Ambiguities in contract language can be a ticking time bomb, leading to […]

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  6. The Role of Intellectual Property in Protecting Your Business Ideas : City Pacific Lawyers

    The Role of Intellectual Property in Protecting Your Business Ideas

    25 | Mar 2024

    As entrepreneurs, your innovative ideas and unique creations are the core of your business. However, protecting these assets in the fast-paced and competitive market is crucial to ensuring your business thrives. Understanding and leveraging intellectual property (IP) rights becomes essential. At City Pacific Lawyers, we are dedicated to helping our community’s business owners safeguard their […]

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  7. Mediation vs. Arbitration: Which is Right for a Business Dispute? : City Pacific Lawyers

    Mediation vs. Arbitration: Which is Right for a Business Dispute?

    23 | Feb 2024

    Mediation and arbitration are two key methods of resolving business disputes without resorting to the courtroom. Both options offer a faster, more cost-effective path to resolving disagreements, but they operate under different principles and can yield very different outcomes. Understanding the nuances of each can help you select the most appropriate approach for your situation.  […]

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  8. Why Estate Planning Is Crucial After a Divorce or Separation: Protecting Your Assets and Loved Ones : City Pacific Lawyers

    Why Estate Planning Is Crucial After a Divorce or Separation: Protecting Your Assets and Loved Ones

    21 | Feb 2024

    Going through a divorce or separation can be emotionally taxing and overwhelming. Amidst the myriad changes and adjustments, one crucial aspect often overlooked is estate planning. Yet, it’s precisely during these times of transition that having a solid estate plan becomes even more critical. In Australia, where laws regarding estate planning can be complex, ensuring […]

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  9. Understanding The Role Of a Property Lawyer : City Pacific Lawyers

    Understanding The Role Of a Property Lawyer

    19 | Jan 2024

    Are you looking to buy real estate or commercial property for your business? Real estate transactions can be complex and challenging, so having a knowledgeable advocate is crucial. A property lawyer is pivotal in ensuring your interests are protected and transactions proceed smoothly.  Below are the critical responsibilities of a property lawyer and why their […]

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  10. Case Study: How a Power of Attorney Can Save You : City Pacific Lawyers

    Case Study: How a Power of Attorney Can Save You

    15 | Jan 2024

    Who will make medical or financial decisions for you if you are incapacitated? Losing capacity is not a topic many of us like to envisage. However, with proper planning you can ease the burden on family members and loved ones by being prepared. The importance of having a designated alternative decision maker is illustrated by […]

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