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Wills and Estates

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning

At City Pacific Lawyers Melbourne, we assist in advising on and preparing legal wills and powers of attorney. Depending on your circumstances, the preparation of a will may be part of an estate planning process that takes into account your personal and business assets. Whether your will is simple or complex, we offer a service to meet your individual circumtances. Our services include:

  • Drafting wills
  • Advising on and drafting testamentary trusts
  • Advising on the effects of marriage, divorce and re-marriage
  • Superannuation considerations
  • Nomination of beneficiaries
  • Custodial service for safe custody of wills, title deeds and other important documents
  • Advice and assistance with probate and administration matters
  • Overseas probate matters
  • Re-seals of foreign probate
  • Taxation issues relating to deceased estates
  • Advice on guardianship of minors
  • Assisting executors
  • Dealing with assets overseas

Estate Planning

Estate planning involves a detailed plan of how your personal wealth and other assets, including your business will be dealt with and distributed upon your death. It involves more than just making a will. A well-prepared estate plan will take into account:

  • Your personal and family circumstances
  • The effect of a marriage, divorce or remarriage
  • Your business or company structure
  • Family trusts
  • Real estate
  • Personal effects and family heirlooms
  • Testamentary trusts
  • Tax consequences
  • Superannuation
  • Life insurance
  • Guardianship of minor children
  • Charitable gifts
  • Potential estate contests or will contests
  • Family law implications
“At City Pacific Lawyers, our experienced lawyers can help you prepare and implement your estate plan.”

Succession Planning

Succession planning is essentially “estate planning for your business”. Planning for your exit from your business is a valuable investment. Whether you decide to sell up, retire or or transfer the business to the next generation, it is important that you spend the time with your business partners, family and professional advisers to plan what you are going to do. A succession or exit plan can help you outline what will happen and who will take over your business when you leave.

  • Exit stategies
  • Trade sales
  • Buying and selling businesses
  • Partnership agreements
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Buy/sell agreements
  • Insurance arrangements

At City Pacific Lawyers, our experienced lawyers can help you prepare and implement your succession plan.

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